Double‐strand breakage in the extrachromosomal double minutes triggers their aggregation in the nucleus, micronucleation, and morphological transformation
Development of a recombinant replication-deficient rabies virus-based bivalent-vaccine against MERS-CoV and rabies virus and its humoral immunogenicity in mice
Expression of Irisin/FNDC5 in Cancer Cells and Stromal Fibroblasts of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Katarzyna Nowinska, Karolina Jablonska, Konrad Pawelczyk, Aleksandra Piotrowska, Aleksandra Partynska, Agnieszka Gomulkiewicz, Urszula Ciesielska, Ewa Katnik, Jedrzej Grzegrzolka, Natalia Glatzel-Plucinska,
Katarzyna Ratajczak-Wielgomas, Marzenna Podhorska-Okolow, and Piotr Dziegiel
Selective loss of phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 (PSAT1) suppresses migration, invasion, and experimental metastasis in triple negative breast cancer
Clinical & Experimental Metastasis
Stephanie Metcalf, Susan Dougherty, Traci Kruer, Nazarul Hasan, Rumeysa Biyik-Sit, Lindsey Reynolds, Brian F. Clem