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Um novo microscópio não cabe no seu orçamento? Não se preocupe. Nesta postagem, mostramos 5 maneiras econômicas de melhorar o desempenho de seu microscópio antigo e aumentar sua vida útil.
Nossas ópticas renomadas são integradas a muitos microscópios avançados e sistemas de imagem. Neste artigo, saiba como nossas objetivas X Line estão melhorando a sensibilidade de uma molécula única no design de microscópio confocal.
Optimizing Your Oblique Observation Using Our Flexible Contrast Solution
Free Webinar: Best Practices for Clinical Microscopy Cameras
Nesta postagem do blog, respondemos a perguntas comuns sobre microscopia de campo escuro.
Apropriadamente chamada de “Neurogarden” por causa da arquitetura de neurônios semelhante a um jardim, esta imagem vibrante ganhou nosso prêmio global de Imagem do Ano de 2019. Nesta postagem, a microscopista por trás das imagens fala sobre como ela capturou a imagem vencedora.
Nesta postagem do blog, nosso vencedor do Prêmio Imagem do Ano de 2019 para a região Ásia-Pacífico compartilha os detalhes da técnica que ele usou para capturar sua imagem premiada.
Comparative analysis between human iPS cell lines with CM20: Observational approach in the process of differentiation into iPS cell-derived liver organoids
Nesta postagem, descubra como um cliente da Olympus usa microscópios para estudar a perda auditiva em nível molecular e encontrar uma maneira de revertê-la.
Os astrônomos que se esforçam para ver galáxias distantes motivaram a invenção de uma tecnologia agora usada para observar o universo microscópico. Saiba como nesta postagem.
Ópticas de alta qualidade são essenciais para o desempenho do microscópio. Nesta postagem do blog, aprenda por que as objetivas com controle de aberração da frente de onda são essenciais para imagens de alta qualidade.
Dynamic Volumetric Imaging with the FV3000RS Confocal Microscope
In this app note, learn how the FV3000RS microscope was used to study the actin dynamics of a fungal spore responsible for infecting wheat and corn to help develop ways to prevent the disease.
In this blog post, we share 5 lessons learned from a year of using artificial intelligence for life science research.
Our 2019 Global Image of the Year EMEA regional winner, Alan Prescott, reveals how he captured his winning fluorescence image “The Mouse’s Whiskers” in this blog post.
Read how researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Germany are using the VS200 slide scanner to investigate the regenerative capabilities of Schmidtea mediterranea.
Nesta postagem do blog, exploramos como as paixões pela ciência e pela arte da vencedora regional da Imagem do Ano 2019 Américas, Tagide deCarvalho, permitiram que ela capturasse uma imagem impressionante de um tardígrado.
Webinar: Customized Assays Made Easy with scanR TruAI
Catching up on delayed experiments when returning to the lab is an important consideration. In this blog post, we share 5 practical tips to help accelerate your experiments!
À medida que mais cientistas trabalham em casa para praticar o distanciamento social, os laboratórios estão aproveitando as plataformas remotas. Neste blog, apresentamos 6 dicas que podem ajudar!
In this app note, we present the results from an experiment that demonstrates the power of AI and self-learning microscopy to quantify transmigration using simple phase contrast images.
Observing a Vascularized Tumor Spheroid on a Chip with a Confocal Microscope
Os sistemas automatizados de microscópio de células vivas podem ajudar a equipe do laboratório a ficar mais segura e ser mais produtiva enquanto pratica o distanciamento social. Neste blog, discutimos 4 dicas para obter imagens de células vivas por mais tempo.
Olympus has launched its second Global Image of the Year Life Science Light Microscopy Award, recognizing the best in life science imaging worldwide.
As light sheet microscopy become increasingly popular, scientists are using it to push the boundaries of life science research. Learn about some of that groundbreaking research in this blog post.
DAPI illumination got you feeling burned? In this blog post, learn how TruAI technology enables easy label-free nucleus detection.
Quer o seu ano letivo envolva aprendizado remoto, ensino presencial ou uma combinação, ainda é possível incluir microscopia em seu currículo. Nesta postagem do blog, damos dicas sobre como fazer isso.
Cell Quality Evaluation with the CM20 Incubation Monitoring System : Improve the Reproducibility of Experiments through the Characterization of Cells
Many cell culture processes still rely on visual observation with a microscope—a qualitative evaluation method. Learn how switching to a quantitative approach can benefit your cell culture process in this blog post.
How the CM20 Improves the Cell Culture Process with Quantitative Data
Innovative Cell Observation Technology which Enabled CM20's Compact Design
VS200 software updated: Version 3.2, TruAI deep-learning
From multimode imaging to fluorescence multiplexing, this blog post is your guide to extracting rich data from your experiments.
Fluorescence microscopy is a popular technique, but it has limitations. In this blog post, we discuss alternative imaging methods to help you think beyond fluorescence and expand your research capabilities.
A estação de triagem de alto conteúdo Olympus scanR v. 3.2 traz melhor qualidade de imagem
Find out why the “game-changing” X Line objectives were chosen as an Edison Gold Award winner in this blog post.
In this blog post, learn about innovations in 3D and 4D microscopy that give the Ellison Institute’s founding director confidence that the next major leap in cancer research is just around the corner.
USC-Olympus Partnership in Multiscale Bioimaging Furthers Precision Medicine
Fluorescence imaging requires a balance between the signal-to-noise ratio and minimizing phototoxicity. Discover tips on how to strike that balance in this blog post.
Analysis Workflow for 3D Live/Dead Cell Assays
Viruses can remain infectious on surfaces for hours to days, so cleaning and disinfecting your microscope should be part of your routine. Check out these cleaning tips in this blog post.
Digitizing Slides Using a Manual Microscope and Digital Camera
cellSens software updated: Version 3.1, TruAI based on deep learning
Olympus TruAI for Quantitative Analysis of Fluorescently Labeled Cells with Ultra-Low Light Exposure
Olympus TruAI for Highly Robust Label-Free Nucleus Detection and Segmentation in Microwell Plates
Perform Accurate and Efficient Microscopy Image Analysis Using TruAI based on Deep Learning
Mapping Aortic Valve Cells Using the FLUOVIEW FV3000 Microscope
Tips for 3D Spatial Analysis of High-Content Drug Screening
Check out this blog post to see the winning images from our 2019 Global Image of the Year contest.
Announcing the winners of the Olympus Image of the Year Award 2019.
Do you have questions about microscope digital imaging? We've got answers in these FAQs.
Resposta da Olympus ao COVID-19
A Olympus assegura que possui estratégias para operar com o mínimo de interrupções possíveis em caso de emergência.
3D Spatial Analysis of High-Throughput Drug Screening
High-Resolution Imaging of Bone Cell Interactions
Discover commonly used transmitted light observation methods, including their features and applications, in this blog post.
Understanding the Link Between Digital Image Data and Biological Samples
Selective Isolation of Adherent Single Cells
Selective Isolation of Living Cells for Omics Analysis
Optimizing Image Acquisition for High-Throughput 3D Analysis of Cancer Spheroids
In this blog, we discuss two smart ways to use reflectance confocal imaging.
Fluorescence live cell imaging can be tricky. In this blog post, our expert gives you 6 tips to help you get reliable image data.
Digitizing Slides Using a Manual Microscope and Digital Camera (Japanese text only)
Curious about objectives? Check out this blog post where we break down the anatomy of an objective lens into easy-to-understand terms.
Multiplexing with the FV3000 Confocal Microscope
The Importance of Tissue Clearing and Objective Selection in 3D Analysis of Spheroids
Confused about what to consider when equipping a classroom lab? Get advice from our expert in this blog post.
New near-infrared lasers make our FV3000 confocal microscope even more powerful. Learn how in this blog post.
OLYMPUS Provi CM20 Incubation Monitoring System with cell count and confluency analysis to improve the regenerative medicine workflow
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