A NIR facile cell-compatible fluorescent sensor for glutathione based on Michael addition induced cascade spirolactam opening and its application in hepatocellular carcinoma
IFN-γ-induced signal-on fluorescence aptasensors: from hybridization chain reaction amplification to 3D optical fiber sensing interface towards a deployable device for cytokine sensing
2019年 4月29日
Molecular Systems Design and Engineering
Fuyuan Zhang, Fei Deng, Guo-Jun Liu, Ryan Middleton, David W. Inglis, Ayad Anwer, Shuo Wang and Guozhen Liu
Hemin-induced platelet activation and ferroptosis is mediated through ROS-driven proteasomal activity and inflammasome activation: Protection by Melatonin
2019年 5月16日
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease
Somanathapura K. NaveenKumar, Mahadevappa Hemshekhar, Kempaiah Kemparaju, Kesturu S. Girish