IFN-γ-induced signal-on fluorescence aptasensors: from hybridization chain reaction amplification to 3D optical fiber sensing interface towards a deployable device for cytokine sensing
2019年 4月29日
Molecular Systems Design and Engineering
Fuyuan Zhang, Fei Deng, Guo-Jun Liu, Ryan Middleton, David W. Inglis, Ayad Anwer, Shuo Wang and Guozhen Liu
A key role for the novel coronary artery disease gene JCAD in atherosclerosis via shear stress mechanotransduction
Cardiovascular Research
Gillian Douglas, Vedanta Mehta, Ayman Al Haj Zen, Ioannis Akoumianakis, Anuj Goel, Victoria S. Rashbrook, Lucy Trelfa, Lucy Donovan, Edward Drydale, Surawee Chuaiphichai, Charalambos Antoniades, Hugh Watkins, Theodosios Kyriakou, Ellie Tzima, and Keith M. Channon
Generation of fully functional hepatocyte-like organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells mixed with Endothelial Cells
2019年 6月20日
Scientific Reports
Giuseppe Pettinato, Sylvain Lehoux, Rajesh Ramanathan, Mohamed M. Salem, Li-Xia He, Oluwatoyosi Muse, Robert Flaumenhaft, Melissa T. Thompson, Emily A. Rouse, Richard D. Cummings, Xuejun Wen & Robert A. Fisher