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Scientific Articles
Apr 20 2024Nature Communications

Zhang Y, Hu Q, Pei Y, Luo H, Wang Z, Xu X, Zhang Q, Dai J, Wang Q, Fan Z, Fang Y, Ye M, Li B, Chen M, Xue Q, Zheng Q, Zhang S, Huang M, Zhang T, Gu J, Xiong Z

Apr 15 2024Nature Communications

Lee M, Moon HC, Jeong H, Kim DW, Park HY, Shin Y

Apr 12 2024Current issues in molecular biology

Gao J, Shingu Y, Wakasa S

Apr 10 2024Nature Communications

Zhang L, Ruan J, Gao F, Xin Q, Che LP, Cai L, Liu Z, Kong M, Rochaix JD, Mi H, Peng L

Apr 01 2024Nature

Pliota P, Marvanova H, Koreshova A, Kaufman Y, Tikanova P, Krogull D, Hagmüller A, Widen SA, Handler D, Gokcezade J, Duchek P, Brennecke J, Ben-David E, Burga A

Apr 01 2024Nature

Haney MS, Pálovics R, Munson CN, Long C, Johansson PK, Yip O, Dong W, Rawat E, West E, Schlachetzki JCM, Tsai A, Guldner IH, Lamichhane BS, Smith A, Schaum N, Calcuttawala K, Shin A, Wang YH, Wang C, Koutsodendris N, Serrano GE, Beach TG, Reiman EM, Glass CK, Abu-Remaileh M, Enejder A, Huang Y, Wyss-Coray T

Apr 01 2024The Journal of Experimental Medicine

Ruggiu M, Guérin MV, Corre B, Bardou M, Alonso R, Russo E, Garcia Z, Feldmann L, Lemaître F, Dusseaux M, Grandjean CL, Bousso P

Mar 30 2024Nature Communications

Choi C, Jeong YL, Park KM, Kim M, Kim S, Jo H, Lee S, Kim H, Choi G, Choi YH, Seong JK, Namgoong S, Chung Y, Jung YS, Granneman JG, Hyun YM, Kim JK, Lee YH

Mar 26 2024ACS Nano

Ivanova JR, Benk AS, Schaefer JV, Dreier B, Hermann LO, Plückthun A, Missirlis D, Spatz JP

Mar 24 2024The Journal of Cell Biology

Eguchi T, Sakurai M, Wang Y, Saito C, Yoshii G, Wileman T, Mizushima N, Kuwahara T, Iwatsubo T

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