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Zwei neue aufrechte FLUOVIEW FV3000 Mikroskope bieten die höchste Imaging-Geschwindigkeit der Branche
Expanding on the successful FLUOVIEW imaging platform, users can now take advantage of the speed and flexibility of the FV3000 confocal laser scanning microscope in two new upright models designed for in vitro and in vivo experiments.
Das IXplore SpinSR10 Super Resolution Bildgebungssystem macht auch kleine Details sichtbar
With resolving power that surpasses the limits of conventional optical microscopes, the Olympus IXplore SpinSR10 imaging system balances speed, resolution and efficiency in a single, flexible platform. A high frame rate and 120 nm XY resolution enable researchers to observe the fine details and workings of internal cellular structures while offering the ability to switch between super resolution, confocal and widefield imaging modes.
Die hochauflösende SC180 Kamera von Olympus bietet nahezu rauschfreie Bilder und eine lebensechte Farbwiedergabe bei der On-Screen-Mikroskopie
Accelerate your routine microscopy work with the Olympus SC180 microscope camera. With a full 18 megapixels, the SC180 camera delivers the high-resolution images required to make insightful observations. The camera delivers excellent performance for brightfield applications, increasing throughput through fast focusing and imaging capabilities while resolving more information on the screen than what can be viewed through the eyepieces.
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Das biologische Mikroskop BX53 besitzt eine neue lichtstarke LED mit hervorragender Farbwiedergabe.
The new BX53 microscope features a high luminosity LED system with excellent color rendering performance that provides brightness and color reproduction equal to or better than that of a 100 W halogen lamp. Bright, sharp images can be obtained without additional neutral density or daylight filters. The high luminosity LED can be used to configure multi-head discussion systems for up to 26 people.
Mitarbeiter von Olympus leisteten beinah 1200 Stunden Freiwilligenarbeit für gemeinnützige Organisationen in Atlantic City und Umgebung
Olympus, a global technology leader in designing and delivering innovations in life science and industrial solutions, among other core businesses, announced today that over 250 of its employees from around the country participated in a Day of Caring in Greater-Atlantic City, donating nearly 1,200 hours of volunteer time to local charities. Olympus recognizes the importance of supporting community organizations and is passionate about giving its employees opportunities to get involved.
Bleiben Sie am Ball mit cellSens 1.17
Providing flexible object tracking to evaluate dynamic processes and a simplified GUI with 4K support, Olympus’ cellSens imaging software offers sophisticated solutions to extract more research data and save time in clinical laboratories.
Die CX43 und CX33 Mikroskope von Olympus ermöglichen Anwendern komfortable Routineuntersuchungen, auch solche mit längerer Dauer.
Ergonomic and easy to use, the new Olympus CX43 and CX33 microscopes help keep users comfortable during long periods of use, maximizing work efficiency.
The Olympus CX43 and CX33 Microscopes Deliver Exceptional User Comfort During Long Periods of Routine Microscope Observation
Ergonomic and easy to use, the new Olympus CX43 and CX33 microscopes help keep users comfortable during long periods of use, maximizing work efficiency.
iF Design-Auszeichnungen für das außergewöhnliche Mikroskopdesign von Olympus
Die Mikroskope FLUOVIEW FV3000 und CX23 von Olympus wurden mit dem internationalen iF Award für außergewöhnliches Produktdesign ausgezeichnet. Dies unterstreicht die hohe Qualität des an Arbeitsabläufen orientierten Designs, das wir bei allen unseren wissenschaftlichen Mikroskopen umgesetzt haben.
Hinweis zur Abkündigung eines Produktes: Wolframlampe
Wir möchten Sie darüber informieren, dass die Produktion unserer Wolframlampe im Januar 2018 eingestellt wird. Bitte fragen Sie den Olympus Mikroskophändler in Ihrer Region vor der Produktionseinstellung zum o. g. Zeitpunkt nach Restbeständen.
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