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Información acerca de los productos

Free replacement of SZ2-STP Arm Used with Microscopes for Equipment Mounting
SZ2-STP Arm Used with Microscope for Equipment Mounting was shipped with the holding parts of the stereo microscope zoom body installed upside down. We would like to therefore offer replacement of the subject product free of charge.
Important Notice Regarding Colony Count & Size Analysis of Incubation Monitoring Systems CM30 and CM20
We have found a problem with our incubation monitoring systems CM30 and CM20 in which the results of the Colony Count & Size analysis differ from the actual measured values. Please find information for affected products and software.
Software Vulnerabilities Notice Regarding Evident Microscope Software
Due to a severe security vulnerability issue in a third-party component used in Evident Application Software, it is strongly advised to install the provided Service Update. This Service Update provides a version of the affected component that closes the vulnerability gap.
Upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10
Microsoft ended their service support of Windows 8.1 in January 10, 2023. If you are currently using Windows 8.1 with any of our products, we recommend upgrading your PC to Windows 10.
Compatible Versions of Windows 10 with FLUOVIEW FV3000 / FVMPE-RS
Information for the users of FLUOVIEW FV3000 / FVMPE-RS equipped with controller unit with Windows10.
Notice: Measurement Error on cellSens Software V1.18 and Earlier
We recently learned that when cellSens software version V1.18 and earlier is used with the DP74 microscope digital camera, the measurement of a live image may differ from measurements saved on a snapshot of the same image by approximately 20% under certain imaging conditions.
Software Vulnerabilities Notice Regarding Olympus Microscope Software
Due to a serious security vulnerability issue in a third-party component used in Olympus application software, it is strongly advised to install the provided Service Update. This Service Update provides a newer version of the affected component that closes the vulnerability gap.
Vulnerability Notice Regarding Olympus Microscope Software
Due to a severe security vulnerability issue in a third-party component used in Olympus application software, it is strongly advised to install the provided Service Update. This Service Update provides a version of the affected component that closes the vulnerability gap.
Actualización importante para los clientes del software cellSens y del software de la cámara microscópica autónoma (DP2-SAL)
Both cellSens software and the DP2-SAL standalone microscope camera software have length measurement functions. Because the software is often shared between multiple users, if someone inadvertently changes the software’s measurement setting, you may not get the correct length measurement results.
Aviso sobre los medios de grabación usados con el kit de conexión autónomo DP2-SAL para la cámara microscópica digital
Actualización de Windows 7 a Windows 10
Microsoft will end their service support of Windows 7 in January of 2020. If you are currently using Windows 7 with any of our products, we recommend upgrading your PC to Windows 10.
感谢广大用户长期以来对奥林巴斯产品的厚爱和支持。 鉴于市场上有个别非官方代理商在网站上任意发布奥林巴斯生物显微镜产品相关信息,声称为奥林巴斯生物显微镜中国总代理、官方代理商等,或采用非正规渠道销售我公司产品的公司,我公司做出以下声明。
Reemplazo gratuito del compensador Bräce-köhler «U-CBR1 / U-CBR2» para microscopios de polarización
Regarding our product of Bräce-köhler compensator ‘U-CBR1 / U-CBR2’, it was identified that the orientation setting of Gamma axis (Gamma axis : direction of slow optical vibration) was different from the indication of the products when shipping. We would therefore like to replace the applicable products free of charge.
Resultado de la prueba de funcionamiento de las cámaras DP25 con PC comerciales
Resultado de la prueba de funcionamiento de las cámaras DP72 con PC comerciales
Resultado de la prueba de funcionamiento de las cámaras DP21 con PC comerciales
[Importante] Aviso de seguridad importante sobre los dispositivos láser de Olympus para microscopios biológicos, como el microscopio confocal de escaneo láser
Dear Valued Olympus Customer, Thank you for your continued business with Olympus Corporation. As part of our efforts for continuous improvement and the safe use and operation of our products, we would like to inform you of the following announcement related to your Laser devices for biological microscopes.
[Importante] Para los usuarios de la cámara microscópica digital DP25 dotada del modo de hibernación de Windows Vista/XP

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