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Challenges Solutions of Confocal Microscopy in Live Cell Imaging

Duration: 30 minutes

Live cell imaging is a powerful tool to visualize dynamic processes in cells and tissues, ultimately showing changes happening in their biological environment. The need for higher resolution, 3D information, and better contrast often leads to the usage of confocal microscopy.
However, there are different strategies to overcome these effects, including the use of more sensitive detectors or reducing the excitation time per pixel to avoid dark states of fluorophores.
In this shortcast we will discuss the image formation on spinning disk and point scanning confocals and compare them across various applications.


Florian Eich
Senior Business Development Manager Life Science
Olympus Life Science

Challenges Solutions of Confocal Microscopy in Live Cell Imaging

Challenges Solutions of Confocal Microscopy in Live Cell Imaging

Duration: 30 minutes

Live cell imaging is a powerful tool to visualize dynamic processes in cells and tissues, ultimately showing changes happening in their biological environment. The need for higher resolution, 3D information, and better contrast often leads to the usage of confocal microscopy.
However, there are different strategies to overcome these effects, including the use of more sensitive detectors or reducing the excitation time per pixel to avoid dark states of fluorophores.
In this shortcast we will discuss the image formation on spinning disk and point scanning confocals and compare them across various applications.


Florian Eich
Senior Business Development Manager Life Science
Olympus Life Science



IXplore Spin

IXplore Spin系统具有一个转盘共聚焦单元,可实现快速3D图像采集、宽广视场,并可在延时实验中延长细胞活性。研究人员可以使用它在更深的位置对更厚的样品执行具有高分辨率和对比度的快速3D共焦成像。转盘还有助于减少激发时样品的光漂白和光毒性。

  • 实时控制器(U-RTCE)有助于优化设备在自动化采集过程中的速度和精度
  • TruFocus Z漂移补偿系统可保持每帧的聚焦效果
  • 使用X Line物镜进行改善了光收集效率的准确3D成像
  • 随着研究的进展升级到IXplore SpinSR超分辨率系统

IXplore IX83 SpinSR

IXplore IX83 SpinSR系统是我们的共焦超分辨率显微镜,针对活细胞样本的3D成像进行了优化。与IXplore Spin系统一样,它也具有转盘式系统,可实现快速3D成像,同时限制光毒性和光漂白。但它可以实现精细到120 nm XY的超分辨率图像,并使您能够通过点击按钮在宽视场、共焦和超分辨率之间切换。

  • 得益于奥林巴斯超分辨率(OSR),可实现精细到120 nm XY的清晰锐利超分辨率成像
  • 因光毒性和光漂白降低,共聚焦延时成像期间的细胞存活时间变长
  • 同时使用两台相机实现快速双色超分辨率成像
  • 使用数值孔径(NA)为1.5、全球较早推出的平面复消色差物镜实现超分辨率成像*
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