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FV1200 Tutorial Videos


1. Starting the System

1. Starting the System

2. Viual Observation

2. Viual Observation

3. XY Image Acquisition

3. XY Image Acquisition

4. XYZ Image Acquisition

4. XYZ Image Acquisition

5. XYT Image Acquisition

5. XYT Image Acquisition

6. 4D (XYZT) Image Acquisition

6. 4D (XYZT) Image Acquisition

7. DIC Image Acquisition

7. DIC Image Acquisition

8. Virtual Channel Scan

8. Virtual Channel Scan

9. Export

9. Export

10. Exiting the System

10. Exiting the System


1. XYλ Image Acquisition

1. XYλ Image Acquisition

2. HSD (High Sensitivity Detector)

2. HSD (High Sensitivity Detector)

3. Reloading and Saving Observation Method

3. Reloading and Saving Observation Method

4. Z Projection

4. Z Projection



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