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Wei Juan Wong
Wei Juan Wong

Wei Juan Wong


大家好!我叫Wei Juan Wong,是临床和研究市场产品的产品专家。我拥有物理学学位,并且在生物物理研究实验室以及显微镜中心平台均具备丰富的工作经验。我于2018年加入奥林巴斯新加坡生命科学团队,担任产品专家,为客户提供应用支持并负责东南亚地区代理商的培训计划。

Ask the Experts

Product Demo: SLIDEVIEW™ VS200 Research Slide Scanner

Wei Juan Wong
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions
In this product demo you will learn how to capture high-resolution images of your slides for quantitative analysis, enabling you to make the most of the information your slides have to offer. Easily analyze, share, and archive your data with the SLIDEVIEW VS200 digital slide scanner. Join this session and learn how to achieve more in less lead time.

Microscope Objectives—Where the Magic Happens

Ganesh Kadasoor
Olympus Medical Systems India Ltd应用专家
Wei Juan Wong
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions
In this webinar, Olympus microscope experts Ganesh and Wei Juan discuss the importance of good optics in a complex microscope system and what optical features are important for high final image quality.
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