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Digital Image Processing: Point and Local Operation Filters (Encore Edition)

Want to get a better understanding of digital image processing techniques? Then watch our Ask the Experts webinar rerun on July 29, where we discuss how point and local operation filters can be used to control sources of error such as noise or low contrast in microscopy images. As well as exploring the mathematics behind image processing techniques such as segmentation, extraction and thresholding, our expert Heiko will also discuss the ethics of image processing – helping you judge whether specific techniques are allowed.

Heiko is still ready for your questions! Our live chat platform means that even during this pre-recorded webinar, our expert can still answer any questions you have in real time. We are also running a live Q&A session at the end of the webinar, to provide even more insight into techniques of digital image processing.

Catch the webinar on July 29 at 10am EDT / 4pm CEST.

Click here to register
Heiko Gäthje
Instrutor Sênior, Academia de Treinamento
Olympus Europa

Olá, meu nome é Heiko Gäthje. Minha experiência em campo amplo, microscopia de fluorescência confocal e processamento de imagem de dados 3D começou quando trabalhava como biólogo — concentrei-me no desenvolvimento neuronal de insetos e na estrutura de proteínas neuronais de ligação de ácido siálico em mamíferos.

Entrei para a Olympus em 2004 e sou instrutor de microscopia na Olympus Academy desde 2008, onde sou responsável pela concepção e introdução de ferramentas de aprendizagem digital. Também dou suporte e conduzo cursos de formação em microscopia no EMBL Heidelberg e no Curso de Inverno de Zurique sobre Microscopia Avançada, onde respondo a muitas perguntas relacionadas ao processamento e análise de imagens.

Digital Image Processing: Point and Local Operation Filters (Encore Edition)Jan 02 2025
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