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植田 美那子 先生*First author, Corresponding author 名古屋大学 WPI トランスフォーマティブ生命分子研究所
Thomas Laux 先生*Last author, Corresponding author BIOSS Centre for Biological Signaling Studies, Faculty of Biology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
前川 修吾 先生*First author Biotechnology Research Center, The University of Tokyo
柳澤 修一 先生*Last author, Corresponding author Biotechnology Research Center, The University of Tokyo
佐々木 武馬 先生*First author Center for Frontier Research, National Institute of Genetics
小田 祥久 先生*Last author, Corresponding author Center for Frontier Research, National Institute of Genetics
Poyu Chen 先生*First author Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
梅田 正明 先生*Last author, Corresponding author Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
杉山 友希 先生*First author Center for Frontier Research, National Institute of Genetics
Masatoshi Taniguchi 先生*First author Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
森田-寺尾 美代 先生*Last author, Corresponding author Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
反田 直之 先生*First author Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
藤原 徹 先生*Corresponding author Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
山岡 尚平 先生*First author Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University
河内 孝之 先生*Last author, Corresponding author Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University
越水 静 先生*First author Division of Evolutionary Biology, National Institute for Basic Biology
長谷部 光泰 先生*Last author, Corresponding author Division of Evolutionary Biology, National Institute for Basic Biology
柴田 美智太郎 先生*First author RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science Christian Breuer 先生*Co-first author RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science 杉本 慶子 先生*Last author, Corresponding author RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science
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