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Service Update 2 (VS200 ASW V3.2.1)

Service Update 2 (VS200 ASW V3.2.1)

This service update 2 is the software to solve an issue with VS200 ASW, VS200 DESKTOP and OlyVIA V3.2.1
Clicking the download button displays the necessary executable file. Download it to be able to start the installation of the service update.
If you are installing this for VS200 ASW, before proceeding with the installation instructions for Service Update 2, please make sure the Service Update (Patch_3.2.1_3113.1_64) has previously been installed.
Follow the instructions in the displayed page to start operation.

Installation Procedures for Service Update VS200 ASW, VS200 DESKTOP, OlyVIA V3.2.1


  • Distribution of this service update is restricted to users of VS200 ASW, VS200 DESKTOP or OlyVIA V3.2.1
  • The operation in combination with systems other than the ones named above is not supported. If this Service Update is applied to PCs where other versions than VS200ASW, VS200 DESKTOP or OlyVIA V3.2.1 are installed, an error message will appear, and this Service Update will not be installed.

Improvements coming with this Service Update

This Service Update eliminates the following occasionally occurring issues:

  • Images created with VS200 ASW V3.4 or later cannot be opened in VS200 ASW, VS200 DESKTOP and OlyVIA V3.2.1.

Confirmation before installation

Make sure that all applications including VS200 ASW V3.2.1 are closed. 

Installation Procedure

  1. Start Windows.
  2. Log on with administrator rights.
  3. Double-click the Service Update file.
  4. If the user account control screen appears, select 'Yes'.
  5. The 'Preparing to Install' screen appears. When the installation preparation is completed, the screen proceeds to the next screen automatically.
  6. The 'Select Installation' screen appears. Make sure that the software you want to update is selected. Click 'Next'.
  7. The 'Setup Status' screen appears.
  8. When the setup is completed, the 'InstallShield Wizard Complete' screen appears. Click the 'Finish' button.
  9. he VS200 ASW, VS200 DESKTOP, OlyVIA Service Update 3.2.1 is installed on your PC.
  10. Restart your PC to assure all associated components are properly installed.
  11. You can verify this installation by going to Help > Check for Updates > Service Updates inside VS200 ASW.


