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Modern Slide Scanning: Single-cell Phenotyping on Fixed Samples (Encore Edition)

Get another chance to learn about the latest generation of slide scanners on November 18, when we replay our webinar with our Olympus experts Flavio and Alec. In this webinar, our experts will discuss how modern slide scanners can be a workhorse for your applications and how multiplexing can reveal much more information from a slide. With a guest expert from Ultivue, you’ll learn how single-cell phenotyping can dramatically improve the understanding of the dynamics in a sample, even if it is a fixed slide.

Although this webinar is a rerun, you can still ask the experts! Just submit your questions during the webinar, and we will be in touch with our answer.

Please tune in to our webinar on November 18 at 10am EST / 4pm CET.

Click here to register

Flavio Giacobone
Gerente de mercadotecnia de producto

Hola, soy Flavio Giacobone, responsable de las soluciones para el escaneo de portaobjetos destinadas a los mercados de Olympus Europa. Las imágenes siempre han formado parte de mi ser; desde que obtuve mi título en ingeniería biomédica y llegué a Olympus, he podido experimentar de primera mano el cambio a la tecnología digital, que acontece en muchos campos clínicos y de investigación. Mi experiencia en el procesamiento de imágenes se desarrolló en un inicio con el primer escáner de Olympus, el dotSlide. Esto me ha permitido ser testigo incontestable del avance al que se ha llegado desde aquel primer producto.

Alec De Grand
Gerente de producto

Soy Alec De Grand, ocupo el cargo de gerente de producto para escáneres de portaobjetos virtuales y microscopios verticales en Olympus. Llevo más de 10 años en Olympus, gestionando productos clínicos, iniciativas de mercadotecnia, cursos relativos al procesamiento de imágenes y exposiciones comerciales.

Angela Vasaturo
Senior Field Application Scientist, Ultivue, Inc.

Hello, my name is Angela Vasaturo, the senior field application scientist at Ultivue. My passion for micro-biology and live-cell imaging began during my post-doc, where I was involved in the early development of multiplex IHC in Europe.
I built my expertise through extensive involvement in post-doc research focused on tumor immunology at the NCMLS in Nijmegen, NL, as well as during my position as Senior Researcher in Dr. Jerome Galon’s Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology at the Cordeliers Research Center.

Modern Slide Scanning: Single-cell Phenotyping on Fixed Samples (Encore Edition)dic 19 2024
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