Modular High-Content Screening Station for Life Sciences
The scanR modular microscope-based imaging platform provides fully automated image acquisition and data analysis of biological samples through deep-learning technology.
Powerful Data Visualization for Interactive Analysis
The scanR system excels in data analysis and evaluation—either offline or in parallel with the data acquisition. Using AI and deep-learning techniques, the system detects objects like cells or nuclei without user intervention. Powerful cytometry data analysis suits the specific demands of analyzing high numbers of cells. Bidirectional links from all data points and time curves to cell galleries and image data ease understanding your samples from the single cell level up to
populations of millions of cells, and every data point can be traced back to the original image. The system makes it simple to set up reliable quantitative assays in minutes.
Fast, Automated Workflow for High-Content Screening
The scanR screening station combines the modularity and flexibility of a microscope-based setup with the automation, speed, and throughput demanded by high-content screening. The system’s flexible design enables it to meet the requirements for quantitative imaging and image analysis in modern cell biology, molecular biology, systems biology, and medical research.
Fully automated image acquisition and data analysis of biological samples
Designed for multiwell plates, slides, and custom-built arrays
Powerful analysis module for biological functional assays
Ideal for assay development and high-content screening
Accommodates fixed and live cells
TruAI-Assisted Object Detection and Image Enhancement
Our TruAI™ technology’s groundbreaking analysis capabilities enable you to establish assays more easily. The powerful deep-learning technology reduces photobleaching and improves acquisition speed, measurement sensitivity, and accuracy, facilitating longer observations with reduced influence on cell viability.
TruAI segmentation networks enable robust segmentation and classification in complex samples, insensitive to artifacts, intensity fluctuations, or background signals. TruAI enhancement networks generate clear images from noisy ones or remove out of focus signals.
Green: You can see that the detection accuracy is low due to the unevenness of the GFP label.
Blue: Detecting the nuclei with high accuracy despite scratches and dust on the vessel.
Meets the Needs of Many Assays
The scanR system’s assay-based analysis is reproducible and reliable and can be easily integrated into your workflow. With real-time results parallel to the acquisition, assays can be customized and adapted to a wide range of applications.
The system excels in drug discovery applications, including showing the biochemical effects of compounds on the cellular level and drug-induced changes at gene expression levels. The solution can measure apoptosis, micronuclei, or DNA fragmentation (comet assays) and covers a wide range of screening applications:
Cell counting
Gene expression
Cell proliferation
Promyelocytic leukemia (PML) body assays
Bacterial and viral infection assays
Cell-array screens
Protein localization and colocalization
Live cell assays, including kinetic analysis and gating on resulting response curves
Multicolor assays
Rare event analysis
Automated FISH analysis
Fluorescence analysis in tissue sections
Cell migration
T-cell invasion
Cell viability
Quality control
Location and Transport
Parent-Child Analysis
Cell Cycle
Dynamic Processes
Tissue and whole organism
Flexible, Modular Hardware
The scanR screening station combines the modularity and flexibility of a microscope-based setup with the automation, speed, and throughput demanded by high-content screening. Well-suited for standard assays and assay development, the modular design makes the scanR station adaptable to R lab applications or multiuser environments.
Spinning Disk Confocal System
Compatible with the Olympus IXplore SpinSR super resolution microscope system incorporating the Yokogawa CSU-W1 scanner unit
Micro-lens-based disks and laser excitation provide seamless confocal image quality at high speed
Robot Loading System
Use with a plate-loading robot system for automated high-throughput screening
Incubation System
Add any IX83 compatible incubation system for stringent control of temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels
TIRF and FRAP System (with cellSens Software)
Use with the Olympus IXplore family and cellSens software to perform advanced imaging experiments such as TIRF and FRAP
The powerful data-analysis concepts successfully applied in cytometry are adapted to suit the demands of analyzing large-image datasets.
Multidimensional image data are displayed in two-dimensional scatter plots or one-dimensional histograms; clustered data populations of interest can be selected using graphical tools.
Gates from different plots can be combined with Boolean operators to create complex classification schemes.
A hierarchical gating approach enables intuitive selection of populations, which may also be visualized in galleries.
Self-Learning Microscopy
Self-learning microscopy opens new horizons in high-content analysis. Applications range from previously impossible image segmentation and classification tasks to quantitative analysis of extremely low signal levels, simplifying staining protocols, label-free analysis, and more.
Example workflow using self-learning microscopy to generate an AI model for label-free analysis of challenging brightfield images. The cell nuclei of Hela cells are GFP-labeled for the training phase to show the system how to analyze the brightfield images.
Example application: Robust segmentation of cell nuclei at different signal levels, enabling a dramatic reduction of light exposure for quantitative analysis.
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The user has full control of the training experiment design.
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Many challenging analysis conditions can be covered during the training phase.
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The learned AI analysis protocol can be validated in depth and with ease with the software’s unique data exploration and analysis interface.
Get Started Quickly
The included pre-trained neural network models enable you to start using the AI fast. Using the pre-trained models, you can begin detecting nuclei and cells in most standard conditions. Even confluent cells and dense nuclei can be reliably distinguished.
Control and validation measures are built in to help ensure the accuracy and robustness of the AI analysis results.
Accurate object segmentation: raw data (left), standard threshold segmentation (middle), TruAI instance segmentation (right). Instance segmentation reliably separates difficult-to-distinguish objects that are very close together, such as cells or nuclei in colonies or tissue.
Image screenshot detail following data acquisition by scanR demonstrating the detection and separation of labels. Courtesy of Dr. R. Pepperkok, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.
Object Detection and Analysis
Powerful object detection modules segment nuclei, cells, or other structures.
Select multiple detection algorithms and adapt them to the objects of interest.
Based on the segmentation results, features to be extracted can be selected from a list of over 100 object parameters.
Facilitates a wide range of cell-based assays.
Immediate Quality Control
Images and objects are reciprocally linked to their related data points:
Clicking on a data point loads the relevant image in the display window and highlights the object in question.
Clicking on an object in the image display window highlights the related data points in the scatter plots and histograms.
Create a gallery view of all images of a selected or gated data population to enable direct, visual comparison of larger image sets with relevant information.
Results are visualized in heatmaps or exported to tables. Easily display an overview of full wells.
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Multilevel Acquisition
After an initial prescan, the scanR analysis software can identify all the potential objects of interest. In an automated workflow, the analysis results are used to selectively scan the objects of interest in a second, targeted screen.
Measuring Kinetic Parameters with the Kinetic Module
Classify live cells, nuclei, and other objects by their time-variant properties.
Evaluate tracking curves based on values (mean static parameters, such as intensity, area, ratio, shape factor, etc.) measured over time.
Evaluate and analyze static parameters, such as intensity or the ratio of fluorescence markers, position, size, or shape over time.
Curves are condensed into single characteristic values (kinetic parameters).
Plot the kinetic parameters in 1D or 2D histograms, and gate populations based on their specific time-variant properties.
hES cells expressing FUCC (CA) biosensor. Courtesy of Dr. Silvia Santos, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK.
Combines High-End Imaging and High-Content Analysis
Run Olympus cellSens live cell imaging software on the same system as the scanR solution so that you can use the same setup simultaneously for screening and high-end imaging.
Obtain high-quality image detail for the most demanding screening applications using 2D and 3D constrained iterative deconvolution algorithms.
The fast and easy-to-use algorithms remove out-of-focus blur and background to reveal essential structural details.
Helpful for in-depth analysis requiring high-resolution structural details.
Flexible Module Options
The scanR solution not only satisfies the specific speed, endurance, and reliability requirements of a fully automated high-content screening system but also provides unmatched flexibility and adaptability with extensive expansion capabilities. This enables the scanR system to meet the specifications of a wider range of applications and budgets. Add modules with the following capabilities to your system:
Self-learning microscopy based on deep-learning technology
Measuring kinetic parameters
High-speed 3D deconvolution
Infrared (IR) laser hardware autofocusing (based on the IX83 ZDC)
Comparison of wide field, 2D deconvolution, and 3D deconvolution detecting the fine structures of samples without compromising on throughput.
TruFocus with Infrared (IR) Laser Hardware Autofocus
The enhanced continuous AF mode keeps the desired plane of observation precisely in focus, even when adding reagents or during changes in room temperature.
Microscope-based screening system platform for life science applications
Flexibility: system configuration can be adapted to suit the application
Performance and endurance: the integrated system and real-time synchronization combine the advantages of an open platform with the demands of screening applications for throughput and reliability
Microscope Frame
Evident IX83 inverted microscope, one or two decks
LED Illumination Options
Lumencor SPECTRA X light engine with six independent LED channels (new version from 2023 supported)
CoolLED pe400 max with four independent LED channels
CoolLED pe300 ultra with three independent LED channels
Application-optimized bandpass filter
LED or halogen lamp
Transmitted-Light Illumination Options
Transmission, phase contrast, and DIC options
Combination of fluorescence and transmission with a fast transmission shutter (HF202HT from Prior with Proscan III controller)
Hardware Control for Laser Sync in CSU Systems
Control of National Instruments USB-6343 for both digital (8-channel) and analog (4-channel) output.
Camera Options
Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash 4.0 V3, high-sensitivity cooled sCMOS camera with large 18.8 mm (0.74 in.) sensor chip
Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash 4.0 LT, an economic sCMOS camera with large 18.8 mm (0.74 in.) sensor chip
Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion, sCMOS camera with large 21.2 mm (0.83 in.) sensor chip
Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion BT, ultra-low noise sCMOS camera with large 21.2 mm (0.83 in.) sensor chip
Objective Options (Supports X Line Objectives)
Objectives for “thin” (0.1 mm–0.2 mm [0.004 in.–0.008 in.]) substrates, cover slips, and glass-bottom plates (2X, 4X, 10X, 20X, 40X, 60X, 100X)
Objectives for “thick” (~1 mm [0.04 in.]) substrates, plastic-bottom plates, and slides (2X, 4X, 10X, 20X, 40X, 60X, 100X)
Phase contrast objectives for “thin” (0.1 mm–0.2 mm [0.004 in.–0.008 in.]) substrates, coverslips, and glass-bottom plates (10X, 20X, 40X)
Phase contrast objectives for “thick” (~1 mm [0.04 in.]) substrates, coverslips, and glass-bottom plates (10X, 20X, 40X)
Filter Sets
Single-band filter sets (specifications as requested)
Multiband filter sets (specifications as requested)
scanR System Software
Two independent software modules: scanR acquisition software and scanR analysis software.
Analysis can be performed in parallel to the acquisition
The software modules can be installed on the same or different workstations (Windows 10 or 11, 64-bit)
scanR Acquisition Software
Workflow-oriented configuration and user interface
Variable, powerful software autofocus procedures that can be combined with an optional IR laser hardware autofocus function, 2-step coarse and fine autofocus, object-based autofocus, or image-based autofocus
Flexible plate manager with predefined formats (slides, multiwell plates) and editing interface to create and edit customized formats (spotted arrays)
Shading correction to compensate for shading and optimize spatial intensity homogeneity
Time-lapse screening, Z-stack screening, multicolor screening (unlimited number of acquisition channels)
Support for integration into automated sample preparation lines, ex, scriptable interfaces for liquid handling
scanR Analysis Software
Executable in parallel to the acquisition
Assay templates for classical applications (counting, cell cycle, single and double marker expression, translocation, spot detection)
Assay builder to design your own assay
Image processing, object and subject detection, parameter extraction and calculation
Cytometric data exploration, analysis, gating, and classification
Powerful and flexible gating concept including cell population analysis
Direct link between data points, objects, and images
Imaging computer (latest generation PC), Windows 10 or 11, 64-bit with NVIDEA GPU for fast AI image processing
Additional Options
scanR AI deep-learning solution—train and apply cell segmentation based on AI
Time-lapse kinetic analysis module — a unique approach for cell tracking and cytometry classification based on cell dynamics
3D deconvolution module—(GPU acceleration supported)
Fast-emission filter wheel for high-speed imaging (HF110 or HF108 from Prior with ProscanIII controller)
Confocal option with Yokogawa CSU-W1 with one or two cameras (simultaneous acquisition)
Incubation system
Plate-loading robot—up to 40 plates in one scan
Encoded magnification changer IX3-CAS
Additional scanR analysis workstation
scanR Analysis Viewer
Second license for scanR analysis software
2-in-1 System Setup
Can be combined with cellSens live cell imaging software for full imaging system versatility